E:D-Board, a tool for Elite:Dangerous

ED-Board is a log book & more for commanders who want to keep informations about their interstellar trips. (an account on the web application en.ed-board.net is needed, registration can be made directly from the Overwolf app)

Main features

- Log book : enter informations for yourself on everything (like a notepad) & since recently register your current trades routes (find by yourself or on a third party tools),
- Cmdr page : register your position, ranks, levels and credit benefits,
- Dock : register your owned ship and track you progress to buy a more expensive ship (based on your benefits),
- Groups : create a private group (name, small desc & url of your group / guild / community, ...), invite members, share your position & make schedules between member to organize cooperative flights (Wings),
- change the application color to fit with your HUD color,
- listen radio sidewinder to get last news on Elite.

ED-Board web application

More functionalities on the website :
- Stats : personal stats & comparison with community global stats (ranks, levels, ...)
- Ranks to compare yourself with other users

Links for ed-board.net : English, français, русский


For feedback, bug or asking for new features contact me at : contact@ed-board.net